Women Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Treatments > Women Hair Loss Treatment

Get the Best Women Hair Loss Treatment in Mumbai

Women lose around a hundred hairs daily. However, if one notices a sudden increase in hair fall, then it can be considered an early sign of hair loss. Statistics show that by the age of 30, women experience around 12% of hair loss. However, this common issue can also be cured easily, as, there are numerous women hair loss treatment.
It is a myth that an aesthetic Procedure can cure all hair fall concerns. To cure hair thinning in women, the treatment has to be done at the root. There are many next-gen, effective women hair loss treatment like PRP GFC, etc. available. To avail of such advanced treatments, it is best to opt for credible facilities like Hyaloderm Skin and Hair Clinic.
Hyalo Clinic offers not only advanced women hair loss treatment, but one can also avail proper guidance throughout the opted procedures. The experts will guide the patients regarding the amount of dosage they require and the number of sessions they need to reduce hair loss.

Reasons behind hair fall -

Before knowing about the best women hair loss treatment, it is better to know about the causes behind them. The top 4 reasons behind hair fall are stated below –
The most common reason for hair fall is heredity. If there’s a history of hair fall issues in your family. Then, the chances of you noticing a widening gap in scalp at an early age increases.
Like health issues, side effects of different medications also cause hair loss in women. Especially, taking birth control pills is crucial, as they cause female pattern baldness.
Women go through a continuous hormonal flux, which in turn, affects their skin. Hormonal hair loss is more common for older women, especially for women who are going through pregnancy or menopause.
Lastly, excessive stress among different age groups of women has proven to be harmful. Hair fall or balding due to stress can be medically referred to as telogen effluvium. This natural occurrence is easily curable with proper guidance and treatment.

Procedure for hair loss treatment

There are numerous women hair thinning treatment. However, to know about the best procedures, go through the following section –
Platelet-rich Plasma treatment or PRP is an advanced procedure, wherein a patient’s platelets are used to make a unique medication. As each individual’s requirement is different; therefore, treating with their platelets becomes more effective than any other generic procedure.
Growth Factor Concentrate therapy is considered to be an even more advanced form of PRP treatment. This kind of women hair loss treatment Mumbai is made by using a patient’s blood and mixing other potent properties with it.
Minoxidil is largely used to cure baldness in men; however, a small amount of dosage is sometimes prescribed to women. Minoxidil belongs to a section of highly potent drugs, called vasodilators. This drug is known for its speedy hair growth properties.
Hair loss not only raises health concerns but also negatively impacts one’s confidence. To avail of the best hair fall treatment, one can consult with the experts at Hyaloderm Skin and Hair Clinic.


What are the best alopecia treatments available in Mumbai?
The best treatments for alopecia are Growth Factor Concentrate therapy and Platelet-rich Plasma treatment.
Does hair fall completely stop?
No, hair fall cannot be completely stopped. As a human shed around 100 hair strands a day. However, excess amount of hair fall can be reduced.


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