PRP treatment

Hair Treatments > PRP treatment

Know the causes of hair loss and the Best PRP Treatment in Mumbai

Hair thinning and graying do not only occur because of aging. In today’s world, hair fall is very common between men and women of all age groups. Different causes can trigger such hair concerns. Further, there are different stages of hair loss. Once you get to understand the reason behind your hair thinning and in what stage you are, you can easily avail the best PRP treatment from Hyalo Clinic.

What are the main reasons behind hair loss?

As mentioned above, different causes may be triggering hair loss. The major reasons for hair loss are as follows –
The most common reason for hair loss is hereditary loss. In simple words, depending on someone’s genes the amount and pattern of hair fall occur. If your family holds a history of balding at a young age, then there’s a high chance that you will start noticing hair thinning early as well.
Hormonal imbalance is more common in women than in men. As women go through continuous hormonal shifts, it is natural to suffer from side effects like hair loss and skin damage. Further, health issues like PCOS, Thyroidism, etc, are also reasons that cause hair loss. To cure hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, you should avail hair PRP treatment.
Medication plays a big role in hair loss. There are minor side effects in almost every medication. Further, the medications for certain hormone control can accentuate hair loss. For such circumstances, PRP for hair loss treatment is useful.

What is the best hair loss treatment?

It is difficult to understand the causes and stages on your own. Therefore, it will be best if you consult with experts. Experts at Hyalo Clinic can identify your issues and guide you to receive the therapy like, hair PRP treatment that your hair needs. The best hair loss treatments offered by Hyalo Skin and Hair Clinic are stated below –

What is platelet rich plasma treatment for hair?

Platelet-rich plasma treatment or PRP treatment is a next-gen procedure that is used for healing a particular area. In hair loss treatment your platelets will be used to heal and control hair loss. In the hair PRP treatment, your platelets will be applied to a specific area, it will trigger cell production and stimulate cell regeneration, which, in turn, will help to produce new hair and reduce hair loss.
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The above-mentioned procedures have proven to be very useful and clinically safe. However, it is best to do a patch test to ascertain that it won’t cause an allergic reaction on your scalp. To know about which PRP treatment is best suited for you, contact us.
What is alopecia?
Alopecia Areata or Alopecia is an autoimmune system that causes unpredictable hair loss. This condition is genetic and cannot be removed completely. However, there are many advanced treatments to reduce sudden hair loss.
How does hair mesotherapy cure hair loss?
It is a clinical procedure, wherein concoctions of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals are injected into a patient’s scalp. This treatment is very effective and painless.


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